Laumas New accredited calibration laboratory LAT N.325

Laumas New accredited calibration laboratory LAT N.325

Laumas Elettronica SRL (Italy) - Press Release: LAUMAS inagurates the new CALIBRATION LABORATORY LAT N.325, accredited by Accredia (the Sole National Organization for accreditation designated by the Italian government) in compliance with the international standard ISO/IEC 17025 "General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories".

The laboratory offers various services for the calibration and quality control of weighing components:

Accredited calibrations:

The laboratory performs accredited calibrations for forces from 2 kN to 100 kN, carried out in compression and tension, of load cells with capacities from 1000 kg to 10,000 kg with or without a connected weight indicator or transmitter.
Calibration can be requested either when purchaising new products or for components already in use, of any manufacturer.

The accreditation attests the competence, independence and impartiality of the laboratory and ensures the metrological correctness of the methods of measurement used (specifically, our procedures follow standards ISO 376 and ASTM E74).

The Accredia calibration certificate issued by LAUMAS is an official document recognized worldwide because it is covered by the EA Mutual Recognition (valid in Europe), IAF (international) and ILAC (international).

Quality test:

The laboratory also performs linearity and repeatability tests valid for quality control for the purposes of the standard UNI EN ISO 9001.

The test are performed on load cells with capacities up to 500,000 kg (5000 kN) in compression and up to 60,000 kg (600 kN) in tension.
They are performed at ambient temperature and, on request, for forces up to 100 kN (10000 kg), they can also be carried out at temperatures of between -20 °C and +200 °C.

Unlike accredited calibrations, these tests are performed using metrological procedures inside the laboratory, therefore their result do not have the value of an officially recognized document.

Quality test can only be requested for LAUMAS products.

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