When purchasing a balance, you may think that you can rely on measurement resolution to determine if the equipment will work in context. However, because accuracy involves a lot more than resolution, only appropriate services can make sure a new balance delivers the accuracy required by your lab processes.
To ensure you obtain ongoing accuracy from your balances, METTLER TOLEDO Laboratory Weighing Service and Good Weighing PracticeTM (GWP®) personnel have teamed up to develop a simple, three-step approach that will help you:
- Choose the right instrument. GWP® Recommendation, a free of charge evaluation service, helps to ensure that the balance you select meets the accuracy requirements of your lab’s day-to-day weighing processes. This unique systematic and scientific assessment is used by METTLER TOLEDO representatives worldwide.
- Control environmental influences that affect accuracy. METTLER TOLEDO Installation Pacs provide professional balance installation and qualification based on your industry and work environment. This ensures that your new equipment is up and running on time and can immediately deliver results that meet your productivity, quality and regulatory requirements.
- Prove required accuracy. GWP® Verification demonstrates equipment accuracy and defines your optimal calibration and testing plan. Based on a calibration that determines measurement uncertainty and minimum weight on site, GWP® Verification ensures your performance requirements are met on an ongoing basis.
In summary, these three steps can provide the foundation for years of successful analysis and development in your lab.
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